Wednesday, October 15, 2008

USA - the socialist's paradise

The Conservative Party has just won re-election in Canada, actually adding seats to strengthen the position of Prime Minister Stephen Harper. While nobody's going to mistake him for Ronald Reagan, Harper is seen as a tax-cutter and a friend of the private sector. Actually, in each of the G-7 countries, politics has drifted to the "right" in the past few years - leading to the election of Nicolas Sarkozy in France, and Angela Merkel in Germany. Well, I should say, each of the G-7 countries save one - the United States. We're either going to elect a gang of enthusiastic progressives led by a Cult of Personality, or a tired old Senate hack who never misses a chance to trash the free market and kick small-government advocates in the hoo-hahs. Again, no matter who wins, it's quite possible that by this time next year, the United States will have the highest corporate tax burden in the Western world - and one of the highest personal tax burdens too (heck, even Sweden is cutting taxes these days). Didn't somebody stage a Tea Party in Boston once, because of something like this?

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