"Shadow Inventory Case Study: Inventory in the Shadows Twice as Big as Normal Resale Inventory in Los Angeles and not on the MLS or for Public Viewing. Foreclosures and Distress Properties Clogging the System."
Read the rest for some interesting investigative coverage.
The pent up inventory is getting ready to unleash in 2010. The gigantic bet made by the bankers and Wall Street was that somehow by allowing banks to fudge numbers since the crisis started that housing would find its footing and the market would stabilize. Sweep the collapse under the bailout rug. This perceived grounding was then going to allow banks to unload these properties and avoid realizing institutional ending losses. Yet 21 months into this painful recession and trillions handed out to the banking sector, housing prices are not spiking. The tiny uptick in home prices is a mirage brought on by three major factors. First, the $8,000 tax credit lured additional home buyers into the market. Next banks have held back on the shadow inventory thus artificially lowering the supply of homes on the market. Finally, the U.S. Treasury and Federal Reserve have artificially kept mortgage rates low by buying up some $1.25 trillion in mortgage backed securities. All this and housing prices have barely stabilized in some regions while foreclosures are at record breaking heights.
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