Sunday, March 14, 2010

Extremely Over Stimulated

An interesting post over at The Economics of Oil Empire and Peak Oil pointing out that extreme government borrowing only gives the appearance of economic growth.

Thus, properly perceived, the private sector of the US economy is not growing and cannot grow with the price of oil above $40-$60. Gov't deficits of 10%+ of GDP (and 5-6% less the decline in receipts) merely give the appearance that the overall GDP is no longer contracting, whereas the private sector continues contracting yoy at a rate which occurred during the worst recessions of the 20th century.

A "double dip" for the US private sector will likely occur from a growth rate at or below zero.

My hope is that the government cuts spending, reduces "entitlements", and consumers de-leverage as orderly as possible as soon as possible. Then we can borrow again.

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